
By using the flatquery.com service you are agreeing to be bound by these following Terms of Service ("Terms") which govern your access to and the use of the services, websites, data connections and applications under ("FlatQuery"), app.flatquery.com (the "Service") which is offered by Totuus Consulting Ltd.

1. Basic Terms

You are solely responsible for the content and security of all your data outside of FlatQuery.

• Though your data is kept by FlatQuery in accordance with our Data Policy, you are personally and solely responsible for keeping your information and your password secure.

• You must not use the Service for any activity deemed illegal under UK law or any other international, national or local law that users are personally governed by.

• You are personally liable for any copyright infringements resulting from your activity.

• You must not use the FlatQuery name (including any domain names), any of the FlatQuery logos or any other distinctive brand features for any purpose other than promoting the platform (FlatQuery).

• You must not attempt to interfere with a user’s access and / or usage and must not Hack or Modify FlatQuery in any way. This inhibited behaviour includes, without limitation, transmitting any worms, viruses or destructive code. The implementation of any scripted strategy that interferes or burdens the Service such as, mail-bombing, flooding or overloading is also strictly prohibited.

• Violation of any of these terms will result in the removal of a user’s data connections or the termination of your FlatQuery account.

2. Terms of Use

When opening an account with FlatQuery you are confirming that you are the owner or processor of the connectors connected to and processed by the FlatQuery service. You are responsible for safeguarding the password that you use to sign in to the Service and for any activities or actions under your password. We encourage you to use strong passwords with a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols.

3. Fair Use of Free (Adopter) Tier

You must not attempt to circumvent the free usage limit in any way. You must not create multiple free accounts for the same organisation, company or individual.

4. Data Connections

A Data Connection is any source that the user connects to or creates within the FlatQuery service using the tools provided, regardless of the contents of the Data Connection. FlatQuery is not responsible or liable for the quality, consistency or security of any Data Connections that the user creates or manages. The presence of third party integrations for use with Data Connections in no way reflects any endorsement by FlatQuery towards any third-party. Though at this time a Google Cloud Connection is necessary for the user to use the Service.

5. Content Licence

You must not modify or sell any FlatQuery data appearing on the Service. By creating ANY data on the Service you warrant and agree that you have the right to grant FlatQuery the licence described above, whilst:

• Not infringing or violating any copyright, trademark or intellectual property of another party without explicit permission to do so.

• Not impersonating or misrepresenting others; or employing other forms of deceit designed to misguide and misinform

• Not sharing another person’s (or peoples) private or sensitive information without proof of their permission.

• Not sharing any malicious data that could cause harm

6. Proprietary rights

All rights, titles, and interest in and to the Service (excluding Content provided by users) are and will remain the exclusive property of FlatQuery. We reserve the right to:

  • Remove Data Google Cloud Connections from the Service without prior notice and terminate a user's account.
  • Change or stop providing the Service.
  • To access, analyse, save and disclose any information that we think is necessary to satisfy any law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.
  • Respond to user support requests.
  • Combat ANY issues such as but not exclusively technical and security issues.
  • Maintain the integrity of FlatQuery for the safety of you (the user) and the public.
  • Revise these Terms at any time.

7. Copyright Policy

FlatQuery respects the intellectual property rights of others. Therefore, you must use the Service responsibly, making sure that you do not supersede your allowed data processing / controlling conditions whilst understanding that if you do handle data without a right to, it may subject you to liability. FlatQuery has no control and thus takes no responsibility or liability for data used by its users.

8. Privacy & Data Use

FlatQuery highly values your privacy and autonomy over your data. Any personal data provided to us will be kept securely and only for the purpose that you (the user) submitted it under.

We collect data about your use of the service as well as cookie data. For more information please see our Privacy Policy.

9. Open Source Licences

The FlatQuery Service and Applications may contain open source software. Each item of open source software is subject to its own applicable licence terms which are held by the respective copyright holders. Any use of a third party license is not an effort to endorse it.

10. General Terms

These Terms and any action related thereto will be governed by the laws of The United Kingdom only.

These Terms are the total agreement between FlatQuery and you regarding your use of the Service. These Terms supersede and replace any prior Terms published by us. These Terms may exist alongside a separate agreement with FlatQuery that will be explicitly stated as “in addition to” or “instead of” these Terms. The failure of FlatQuery to enforce any aspect of these Terms will not be deemed a waiver of such right or provision. In the unlikely event that an aspect of these Terms is considered invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect. We will notify you via the Service or email about any revisions to these terms. By continuing to access or use the Service after revisions become effective, you are agreeing to be bound by the revised Terms. The most current version of these Terms will always be on this web page.

End of Terms of Service.

Thank you for reading our Terms of Service, you may contact FlatQuery by email at hello@flatquery.com with any questions.